R.I.P. Stan Lee

The great and iconic Stan Lee has passed away at the age of 95. Tributes have pored in from other celebrities as you can see below.

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Alicia Vikander is the new Lara Croft

She’s beautiful, tealented (Oscar Winner!) and seems to be a super-cool chick! Meet Alicia Vikander, the Swedish actress who will be the new Lara Croft.


Fozzy Whittaker channels Captain America

Here’s a cool story about Cleveland Browns running back Fozzy Whittaker who is definitely a serious Captain America fanboy.

University of Texas football coach Mack Brown chuckles at the memory of his starting tailback Fozzy Whittaker ambling across campus with a Captain America backpack strapped across his shoulders.

“He didn’t care whether people made fun of him,” Brown said. “Fozzy is who he is and he’s very proud of it.”

The Browns running back-kick returner owns Captain America figurines, Captain America T-shirts, Captain America gloves and socks, Captain America boxers and briefs, Captain America costume and shield.

The rest of the article goes on to explain how Fozzy became a huge comic book character fan through his mother. It’s an inspirational story. The video above was filmed when Fozzy was still playing for the San Diego Chargers and goes into his collection of Captain America memorabilia and other items.


Classic Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman sporting a swimsuit

Here’s a totally cheesy but still very sexy montage of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, with a scene of her in a swimsuit on the beach. Lynda Carter had an amazing figure and she’ll always be the standard for judging actresses to take on the Wonder Woman role. Enjoy!

Also, you can get a poster of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman on!

7HEQG00Z Lynda Carter Wonder Woman


Olivia Munn as Princess Leia

Olivia Munn posted this cool cosplay photo where she’s dressed up as Princess Leia. Too bad she didn’t do the bikini scene!


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